Wednesday, April 1, 2009


really? is there nothing better a person can do with their time then attempt to try and ride one of these silly contraptions? there are a few things that i think make a person instantly and unequivocally socially inept, and they include:

1. re-using handkerchiefs (think about it, that's so gross!)
2. having the loudest laugh in the room and making it last about 2 seconds too long
3. riding unicycles in public, when other people are around
4. bacon-strips (sorry dad, but at least you finally figured it out)
5. riding unicycles in public and attempting to make it look cool by trying to do tricks

i'm sure there are more, but this list will suffice for my present interests. there are a couple people, obviously a couple too many, that ride these goofy wheels on campus. what on earth compels a person to have the thought that unicycles are cool, or even practical?

am i the only one with the thought that this guy needs to be punched in the face and have a club taken to his facilities? (thanks for that last one spence). but maybe that swing down low wouldnt do much anyway b/c he's clearly already lost 'em. a pink unicyclist...... can there be anything more gay? maybe thats why i dont feel bad when i see situations like this:

call me heartless, but i say they got what was coming to them

1 comment:

Emily said...

The guy in pink kind of looks like Darek....