Speeding Ticket
so i drive up to utah the other weekend and i'm barely 10 min. on the rode when i get pulled over. crap. but see i was driving robs car and i couldnt find the paperwork, so after five minutes of looking the cop finally lets me go and just tells me to slow down. sweet! but alas, lesson not learned. on the way back from said trip i'm cruising a cool 89 mph (in a 65) and a cop driving the opposite direction turns around and pulls me over. "lightening doesnt strike twice" i say to myself. sure enough. he makes me get out of the car and all this while he checks the radio (cause robs car wasnt even registered much less insured). so he tells me anything over 85 mph in AZ is considered a felony, but i'm "lucky" b/c he doesnt feel like taking me in. so he gives me a nice fat $350 ticket and sends me on my way. but when i return home rob sees that the idiot put the wrong date for my court appearance (he put the time before i even got the ticket). so rob tells me i dont have to worry about it b/c they didnt properly serve me. but just this week i get a notice to either pay up or there'll be a warrent issued for my arrest. sheesh! these small town cops dont mess around. and on top of that they charge me another $150 for who knows what. now i'm either $500 bucks in the hole or a wanted man! i think i'm going the wanted man route.....
your poor soul. i wish i could give you the $500.00 to help. i am with the officer on this one. if it were me, i would've taken you to jail. along with brandon as your cell mate because he gets tickets ALL THE TIME. i will never forgive him.
can i tell you, HE DID have a warrant for his arrest. i can't even get into it. you bes pay that ticket or i will call the police myself.
such losers, you and brandon....
D: no, the real lesson learned: Ddon't take "legal advice" from Rob ever again. what school did he even go to? ITT Tech, Stevens-Heneger College, or some online law degree? Oh man, you're screwed. Have Dad write an offical looking letter with all kinds of threats. I've sworn off ever getting another speeding ticket, I got so sick of being pulled over all the time, and I can never keep my mouth shut when talking to cops anyway. 6 years strong since MY last ticket hee hee!
funk dat, they gotta find me first!
hey well this probably won't make you feel any better but i got slapped with my first speeding ticket going 46 in a 25. $224 bones but i just told the judge, "look here brotha (he was blackish), i ain't dope about forkin up $224 dollars so you best drop that down foo!" cut it in half needless to say. sweet!
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