My Latest Reads
this is a book about how a jew (the author) was brought face to face with an SS soldier on his deathbed who was asking this jew to forgive him for what he'd done during the war as a nazi to other jews. after the soldier confessed, the man simply got up and left without saying a word. afterwards he refects on what he did, or didnt do, and wonders if it was the right thing. at the end there is commentary by various people about what he did and their opinion on the situation, or what they would have done in a similar situation. its a very thought-provoking book and its made me think about what i would do if i came face to face with the people who were responsible for the worst experiences of my life. it brings up great questions about how experiences can either drag you down for the rest of your life or through repentence/forgiveness offer peace to a troubled soul. i highly recommend it to anyone
this book was actually really hard to read. its about how a boy was basically tortured by his mother all growing up. she did unspeakable things to him for years on end, yet thru it all the young boy simply longs for the love of his mother. his father was a drunk who did nothing to change the situation and even his own siblings refused to talk to or even look at the boy. eventually thru help from various people he gets out of the home and put into foster care, where he endures the good and bad of living with strangers, all the while fearing his mom will come back and take him away. but in the end its a story of how this little boy survived it all and went on to become a successful motivational speaker and activist. its inspiring to see how people can overcome such odds and make something of themselves. it makes me appreciate how good i had it growing up and what a wonderful family i was born into. now i say it was hard to read b/c it made me want to meet this mother and just pound her into the ground. how someone could do such things to their child, or anyone, is way beyond me. but then you read "the sunflower" and it kinda puts things into perspective. i recommend this to anyone who has the stomach to get thru it. and for those of you with kids, i promise it will help you be a little nicer or more patient the next time they do something that drives you crazy
that is something to think about.
Ever heard of "light reading"? sheesh, i'm depressed just reading your book reports. Try Eragon or Eldest, stories about magic, dragons, blue orbs, dwarfs, and elves! Yeah now THAT's a book.
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