What the Heck are you doing Darek?!?!
i dont even know if i can properly describe this picture. how in the world someone can contorttheir face into something so utterly disgusting i'll never know. its like watching a pedestrian get hit by a train. you are absolutely horrified by it yet you cant manage the strength to turn your eyes elsewhere. it commands the attention of anyone who comes within reach of its ugly grasp. is he ralphing, crying, coughing/sneezing at the same time, what? but more than that, WHY a person's brain would even think to consider making such a face much less carry out the wicked form i simply do not understand. why darek, why?!!!
this is simply disgusting. i dont know if he....... heck, i have no idea what he's trying to pull off here. if i ever come face to face with satan himself, i'm pretty sure this is the face i'll make. i'm not sure what it is or what its supposed to prove, but i have to think that it would make even lucifer start to cry. if i saw that face in real life i would commit myself. again darek, why? normal people dont, and cant, make contortions like this. there are more than enough soft-walled white rooms with no ropes or sharp objects for people like you. this.........this, this nightmarish image doesnt need to be seen in public
hahaha, WULL! What do you expect? I was Googling "Garlan" online and came across some Emerald Ridge High bball videos of you, so I clicked [PLAY] to check out G-String in action...and the "highlights" I saw before me were the most despicable, disgracelful, down-right embarrassing debauchery of the game I've ever seen. Words simply wouldn't suffice, yet my horror HAD to be expressed...the only outlet was what you see here...even now that moment haunts me.
Yeah, it's gross! I admit! Where did you get such gems???
PS - I'm real glad you started a blog G, we gotta get everyone sucked in!
touche darek. but now you just angered me. my emerald ridge days are off limits. i was young, impressionable, and misguided. rest assured i've fully redeemed myself. its been almost 3 yrs now since i've missed a shot....
haha. You guys make me laugh.
thanks, brooke the big and beautiful :) ahahah
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