so this is what i decided to do to ring in the new year. thats right, freeze my rastafarian ney-neys off! me, spence, paul, bro. egbert and his friend went water skiiing at 9 in the morning. to put it in perspective, the air was 40 degrees and the water was a whopping 41 degrees! i have never been so cold in my entire life - no exaggeration. i couldnt feel my fingers for hours and my feet felt like ice blocks the whole time i was in the water. crazy cold i tell ya. if you cant tell, the writing on my sweet, hot pink wet suit says "ski warm." haha, yeah right!first pic: i think thats spencer trying to do who knows what. i'm pretty sure he crashed
next: spence took it kinda hard, i had to warm him up with my body for like 40 min.
next: that hot water dispenser saved our lives. no joke, it was amazing
next: "what the H am i doing this for?!!!"
next: all the MEN who went trying to act not cold (i'm officially a man after doing this)
last pic: thats not me, but it easily could've been. my height was 25 ft. off the water

your probably froze..its about time you added stuff to your blog
brandon and i laugh at you so hard. love your wet suit. keep up the blogging in graham. for reals!!! and put some of ma and pa up from time to time. so good to see them.
D: Hahahaha, oh man please tell me that's our old wet suit from the garage! The awesome-ness of that baby is priceless! Hahaha, I'm still laughing at it! Yeah pics of the other Graham-ites is a great idea Cori.
PS Why's Bro Egbert seriously one of the coolest guys I've ever known? Love that guy...
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