Back to School! (kind of)
christmas break this year was kinda small, but really good. just me and the parents back at home. mom's favorite joke christmas morning was "its time to do stocking." (notice the singular). but it was really relaxing and nice. went over to spence and sara's that afternoon. this was taken the morning i took off to drive back.i got a digital camera so now i can take all kinds of sweet pics i take and not just random ones off the internet!
so driving back thru oregon and idaho we hit this huge tumbleweed. i didnt even see it. the girl sitting up front screamed and i look over to see this brown thing crash into my car. luckily it wasnt anything worse. and not wanting to pull over and take it off, i kept driving with it as a sweet hood ornament for like 40 miles. that was the most exciting part of the trip. the weather was really crappy. it was either snowing, blowing 65 miles an hr, or raining oceans. but we made it back okay.
hey, haven't checked in a while...great pics!
thanks for the phone call. so good to hear live from family. i think everyone is anti phone these days. no no. not you. that is why i love you. speaking of traveling, be careful and remember we are the coolest in the family!
D: haha, I love that you left it on. No tumbleweed's gonna stop me!
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