"hey garrett, do you know...... (plug in make-out sound. i know you can cori cause you and brandon make out all the time! haha) "oh, i'm sorry. didnt realize you were busy."
doesnt that just sound like fun and enjoyment to the extreme? it was pretty fun tho. we saw a 13 foot gator that was pretty cool. they asked for volunteers to try and wrastle it.
"anyone who can put this crock in a headlock without getting a limb lopped off gets to ride the ferris wheel for free."
shoot, i'm all over that. anyone remember happy gilmore? thats what i did to that poor thing. it didnt stand a chance. the ferris wheel ride was awesome!
it amazed me how many people come out of the woodwork for fairs. i'm so used to provo that seeing other kinds of people is surprising. no joke, it was 60% white trash, 35% mexican, and 5% normal people. the 5% being me and the four people i was with. good times tho. i kept telling people that this fair sucked tho. i'm used to the puyallup fair, which is quite a dramatic increase in quality over the utah state fair i'll say. come on people, "do the puyallup!"
"you can do it at a trot, you can do it at a gallop"...so your heart won't palpitate? and don't be late?? "do the puyallup."
help me out garlan. how does it go?
i have friends there, that went. and i had one big single tear rolling down my face.
thanks for the making out comment. made me smile real big!!! :)
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