ahhhhhhhh, beloved sports, now i can watch you without binoculars once more!
but for true entertainment to be enjoyed, one needs a system to go with. alas, thats where a surround sound setup comes in. so we buy that too. ooooooohh, that little puppy purrs. anyways, so we buy it that same day hoping to cheer on our cougars to victory in style. but to no avail, they lose. then they lost the next week too. then last night the sonics were on an nba classics game, but they lost. anyone getting the hint here? not me, i'm keeping the tv dagnabbit! besides the fact that the chicas dig it. how can a man properly invite a girl over for a movie, expecting to make good on extracurricular activities, when all you have is a puny little thing some might call a tv? but now we're good to go. and to top it off, garrett already had a surround system and a projector, so we set that up in our room! yes, a projection screen and surround sound in our very own room, along with a pimp tv and surround sound upstairs. i'm getting so excited talking about it that i want to go home and watch a movie right now!
now i know what your thinking, why make such an investment at this time in my life? there are other things much more worthy for that kind of money. but i like to think of it this way: its my investment in the future. i'm bound to get married having a setup like this.
if you cant woo 'em, wow 'em. thats my whole philosophy!
you stink. real bad. thats all i have to say. i love big tv's, and surround sound. that is true entertainment. i could get used to that real quick.
i was all excited to see who "we" was. pheewwwh.
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