Cartoons Anyone?

so after viewing Transformers this past week (pretty good movie actually), it made me think back on my favorite cartoon as a kid. transformers was a tad before my time - spencer, darek, and jason were more transformer fans, along with thundercats - but by the time i was rolling out of diapers, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were just rolling into cartoon dominance. i know putting this post up i'll receive the usual hazing from the likes of darek: "after you posted this you probably went back to your room and played turtles by yourself for 3 hours." or from spencer: "dad just told me that garlan made sure his turtles were still in his closet so he could pass them on to his kids." but i'm man enough to stand up for my toys. true it is i played with ninja turtles quite beyond the normal age range for kids to play with action figures, but i regret none of it. anyways, i thought i'd fill ya in on what i did, a lot, in my growing up years. and after lengthy debates with reagan about which ninja turtle could beat up which pokeman (mine beat her wimpy japanese-made creatures every time), i decided to share the magic that is. from shredder to splinter to april o'neil to casey jones to rocksteady to bebop its simply the best cartoon ever. and just for the record, i challenge you to name one super-hero that could take any one of the turtles. (cant be done). Turtle Power!
Leonardo: blue is his color and the mighty sword his slayer. he was my favorite
Donatello: purple as his color and the bow his beater. he's the brains of the operation
Michaelangelo: his color is orange and weapon of choice is the nun-chuck. he's the "surfer" personality type
Rafael: his color is red and his weapon of choice is the sci. moodiest of the turtles
ok, sorry to be a creepy blog stalker, but i found your blog through, i'm guessing, your sister-in-law, cori's. this post just made me laugh so hard! i love ninja turtles too! but, michaelangelo was my favorite! thanks for the laugh!
cannon: uncle garlan. i remember playing with all your turtles at g'ma's.
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