please allow me to share this with you. i hope at least some of you have heard of it, that will make my trying to describe its funnyness to you easier. i borrowed it from dave and jessica hawks and now i'm hooked. it only lasted for 4 seasons and i've already gone thru two in a week. i guess that means this little love-affair doesnt have much time left. nevertheless, i feel obligated to pass it on. its about a dysfunctional family. and thats really all there is to say about it. if you like "the office" then i think you'll like this show. it has a lot of the same awkwardness to it as well as the same goofy kind of characters. if you ever get a chance, check it out. you may be thoroughly offended and question my judgment in humor, or you will simply adore it and want more and more. either way, the choice is yours - as well as the blame if you dont like it........ cause it was your choice. but the credit if you do like it? i'll take that since i introduced you to it.

this is the brother in law of the family. he's a back up for the blue-man group, hence the color of his skin. he's also a "never-nude", meaning he's always wearing these redneck-like, cutoff jean shorts , even when he showers. his character is pretty funny.
this guy is my favorite. for those of you who have seen "blades of glory", he's the brother in the other tandom of skaters. he basically plays that same character in this show. his name is Gob (pronounced Job - the Bible Job). he's a wannabe magician and..... well just look at him. he makes me laugh just watching him ride around everywhere on that little scooter.
sounds way funny. i have only seen it a few times, a long time ago. love the blue man already. so hilarious. so cool aunt donna sent us a copy of sharla's talk. another reason to love the hawks.
oh man, FINALLY another McCoy has found Arrested Development! This show is so geniously funny! I've had heated debates with my coworker over whether The Office or AD is's a tough call. We went through all the Seasons on DVD last summer, so bummed it got canceled, it's hilarious. Have you gotten to Bob Loblaw the attorney?
Tobias: So what are your plans for this evening?
Bob Loblaw: I thought that maybe I would stay in and work on my law blog.
Tobias: Ah, yes. The "Bob Loblaw Law Blog". You, sir, are a mouthful. The never-nude is the best, everything GOB and Tobias do is hilarious.
Everyday I go to work, I get to deal with family disfunction. I'm going to do a comedy show about lawyers (i.e. kinda like Scrubs, but better). If that doesn't last more than 25 seasons, then I'll do a reality show about family court. Sounds like Arrested Development would be nice break from reality ... or maybe not!!
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