well here she is. i finally took the plunge and made my first big purchase. what a grown man i've become! i got so sick of looking that i finally just settled on one. its an '03 hyundai sonota. she's my little asian car. see, even the headlights look asian. so i finished everything up at the dealership and drive away all happy and excited to listen to my tunes in my new ride, only to discover that the cd player doesnt work! boy was i ticked. hell hath known no fury than what was displayed during that car ride home. (the one time i dont check the cd player during the test drive). loser salesman. he was an inactive member to boot, that shoulda tipped me off. and if that wasnt bad enough, on my trip over to vegas i discover the cassette player doesnt work either. i had to listen to my cd's on headphones. how embarrassing. needless to say i called the chumps up and they agreed to get one put in, which i just did this weekend. its heaven i tell ya. that and air conditioning, and a V-6. what else can man ask for in life? (for starters, a chick to share it with). its been good so far, i like it. i just hope it lasts a long time.
you do have a great car. there is just something about silver cars. they look sharp and so silver bulletish.
thats my call sign to all the truckers i talk to. breaker breaker 19, this is the silver bullet. of course yours is a cooler silver bullet. mines just a motherly minivan.
you do have a great car. there is just something about silver cars. they look sharp and so silver bulletish.
thats my call sign to all the truckers i talk to. breaker breaker 19, this is the silver bullet. of course yours is a cooler silver bullet. mines just a motherly minivan.
yoo rike asia caw so much, why no learn spell fweekin name wite.
"silver bullet" didn't that movie give you bad dreams or nightmares?
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