Wednesday, April 30, 2008

G. Sterling 101

since its been so long since i've really done anything on this blog, and with the fact that i'm back in school, i thought i could give ya'll an update on whats a-happenin in my life and get you familiar with me again. i know how everyone loves lists so here it goes:

1. i turn 25 this summer and am actually kinda nervous about it
2. i'm taking comms 211 (up in salt lake - lame making that drive!) and eng 315
3. i'm hoping to get a degree in communications with a minor in business and graduate Dec. '09
4. i miss my little sister
5. i think i finally found a place to live this summer, with my own room maybe!
6. i am a pack-rat and need to get rid of a lot of stuff. anyone else think along these lines: "oh, i may use that somewhere down the line in my life, i'll hold on to it just in case."
7. i cant wait to teach little Grady how to play bball (my future stud-son)
8. i'm very, veeeeeery disappointed in the nba playoffs so far
9. i'm grateful for the past 3 months i had to live at home
10. i had a very hard, but necessary past 3 months
11. i really enjoy writing (and i do keep a journal)
12. i lost over 10 lbs being at home (its sad when every single person you see coming down to school, guys included, comment on how skinny you look)
13. i cant sleep in past 9 anymore, which is actually a good thing for me
14. i'm not sure how to handle the present girl situation in my life
15. and finally, i made the drive down here in 12 1/2 hrs, the fastest i've ever done it! (sure beats the 22 hrs it took me going home)

i'll post some more details here in a bit to keep you updated, but this is just a random list of some things lately. its going to be a busy, but fun summer. i'll be working during the day and taking night classes mon thru thur. it'll help me not be lazy and prioritize what i really need to get done at a given time. so wish me luck!


Amberli said...

you're so tender garlan! good luck!

cori said...

i like your softer side. i miss sharla too. we all whine about it here. i want to see you in june coming through. mackenzie may go to byu soccer camp and wanted to see if you could check on her at nights or maybe go see her here and there. let's talk soon.

dumb and dumber is the remedy for just about everything. i just youtubed...pets heads are falling off last week! i just had to watch it.