with david and jessica going out of town for this next week, they needed someone reliable and trustworthy to keep watch of their 2 boston terriers - mack and scout. who has no life and loves dogs? well that would be me, so i'm the perfect candidate! (the lover of dogs part is false tho). but they're pretty good canines i suppose. as part of the routine i have to take them out for walks - something about animals needing exercise too i guess. and since its an apartment complex its the "
dooty" of owners to clean up after their pets'
messings. i'm no different, seeing as how i'm the quote unquote owner of these dogs for the next 6 days. like a good pet owner, i take "my" dogs out for walks. and just like proper dogs should, they
poop. the thought crosses my mind: "to clean up
poop, or not to clean up
poop." should i let
it sit their for a helpless child to wander into? or for an unsuspecting tenant to mindlessly step in
it and track
it into their home? of course not! who would "
doo" such a thing? not i said garlan. so with my handy dandy pooper picker-upper plastic pouches (say that 10 times fast) i scoop the
poop. now lets be honest for just a moment shall we? who likes the feel of
poop? again, certainly not i said garlan. in all reality,
its a rather unpleasant feel. but since i am an owner now, that is part of my adult responsibilities. but alas! a solution! instead of having me pick up their
waste, why not make the ones responsible for the
mess clean up after themselves? why, thats a grand idea garlan! and after 2 trys i finally trained my little pups to do just that. now instead of me doing this:

they're doing this:
atta boy doggies! now if i can just get them to stop stiffing each others butts....
i would just strap on a diaper or two. then it will be just like changing keat and carter.
i really wish brinkley could be there. she loves dogs so much, she gets all teary eyed thinking of them.
you should do english instead of sociology. you are a good writer. or journalism.
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