My Latest Read
this book, "American Gospel", talks about the founding fathers and their commitment to getting this country started off on the right foot, and the role religion played in that process, along with how its affected american culture since then. it was interesting to read about how divisive religion was, and still is, in our country. it was also cool to realize how amazing the founders were. they were such brilliant men and did so much to make sure america turned out as it should. but i was a little disappointed in the overall feel of the book. it seemed the author spent a lot more time saying the founding and the fathers wasnt/werent necessarily christian. he brings up the idea of america having a "pubic religion" as compared to being inclined towards any one religion in particular. while i agree with the fact that they tried hard to create an appeal to all - a public religion, and to keep separate church and state, i dont think i agree with the founding not being christian. he even states that most of the founding fathers themselves werent christian. if that is true, why then did they appear in the temple to pres. woodruff and ask for their work to be done? i believe they were devout men of God who may, b/c of political reasons, not been very public about which religion they personally professed in. but it was a good book and made me think more about religion in our country and how its played a key role in shaping us as a nation. so while we may fight over things today like prayer in schools, removing the 10 commandments from courthouses, or saying the pledge of allegiance, our counrty is still very much founded on a belief in God.
(dont get me started on those debates. i feel very strongly about keeping God in the public. we shouldnt change things simply b/c a minority feels that saying the pledge of allegiance at school makes them uncomfortable. dont say it then! when we remove God from our country, we remove His blessings on us).
dude, i can't even read this cause of that picture on here. yuck
read 1776 by David McCullough if ya haven't already...great history book on the revolutionary war as it started right here in Beantown...only part way through but it's so good. Agreed, the founding fathers were phenomenal men, definitely foreordained for what they did, no doubt. George Washington was something else!
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