what about you folks? fans of music while disposing of bodily waste? i kinda think of it along the lines of reading the newspaper while dookying, which i wholeheartedly disagree with. i'm in there to accomplish one thing: get in and get out. i dont want to sit there and read about sports, news or any other otherwise good thing while i'm stinkin up the place. its not supposed to be a reprieve, or a rest. you have a "doody" to do, so get it done and be on with your day. but with music you dont have to actually "doo" anything, you just sit. so maybe a little classical would help with the process? maybe get the muscles relaxed a bit more? but then why would i want to associate something so beautiful as classical music with sitting on the john? maybe some other type of music? ah, thats where you come in james blunt, b/c you're about as beautiful as the stuff that comes outta my bum bum. perhaps thats a fitting song then. "but its time to face the truth. i will never like to poo." or better yet "when you were coming out i had a frown. but then i smiled while i flushed you down." i could go on, but you get the picture. anyways, just thought i'd fill ya in on my day. let me know your thoughts on 'boogety beats of the bathroom'
ps. do you ever laugh out loud when writing your own posts? i just did
I could only even read the 1st paragraph. no girlfriend prospects better read this stuff.
good morning garlan. you made us laugh. got our juices flowing already. you are hilarious.
everytime i hear that song from now on i will laugh and think of you.
that is so funny you made up a song. and yes, sometimes i blog and laugh, but no one else thinks i am funny. boo hoo. but that is not the case, with you. you are definately funny.
i am trying to think of another potty song for you. i will. and then i will be funny.
get to it, your photo scavenger hunt that is. if you read my blog, you are tagged. come on now, i am all blogged down.
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