The High Priest of Hustle

i'm billy joe cuthbert and i'm about to give you a free preview of what its like to be an nba star. its not easy being the league leader in rebounds, charges-taken, and all-out hustle plays every year. it takes its toll. but thats the price you pay to be gloriously famous. look for my comeback/breakout season next year
Billy Joe is my idol!!
I've patterned my whole game after him ... right down to the clothes. He's Hall-o-Fame material, baby!!
haha, just last night I pulled a "Verbal D" on this one guy. I wasn't even near him but still made a loud sound thinking that would do. Nope, he made it, and then jogging down the court I was laughing and totally mumbled to myself thinking of Billy Joe, "Now that's what I call verbal D" Dad's the king of verbal D tho, I could never take that crown from him..."SSShhhhhhooooop!"
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